The hotel guests should have a grand experience every time they stay at
your hotel, to keep them coming back trip after trip. This level of
attentiveness and indulgence expands past the cleanliness of a room and
the willingness to make a guest feel at home. A travel desk emphasizes
on creating a memorable and remarkable experience for your hotel guests,
bearing in mind their desires and specific expectations.A guest should be able to plan their stay with the help of employees who
are familiar with the area and all the tourist attractions and
activities the place has to offer. Experienced employees can assist
guests with planning their itinerary from a travel desk. If your hotel
does not have a travel desk dedicated solely to excursion planning and
activities, consider advertising the service at your front desk. Guests
will appreciate having someone to turn to on a rainy day to point them
to the best museums, or someone to book a zip-lining trip when they are
craving a little bit of adventure.